Sunday, 15 December 2013

The Miracle Deepens

My first information about the recent CT scan came from a telephone conversation with my oncologist. She was getting ready to go on leave and I had asked her to let me know how the scan looked before she left. On Thursday, I was able to pick up the radiologist's report and read it for myself. What a different picture it presents.

I have tumours disappearing all over and several others, including the one which interfered with my spine recently, are barely visible. The largest tumour remains stable.

It is actually difficult to process this information. My immune system is very busy destroying cancer in my body, one cell at a time. There is a lot of work for it to do. However, I have one more infusion to go, on December 19, and this may help it along. Who knows how much destruction can happen? Who knows how long this regression can last?

For now, I am resolved to eat well, sleep well and live well while the process unfolds. This is a time of renewed happiness and energy for me.

Peace and love to all.

Tuesday, 10 December 2013

Miracle on Tyee Road

'Tis the season of peace and good will. As the holiday season approaches, moods lift and we are more likely to give generously. We count our blessings and often notice our basket is overflowing so it is good to share.

I have excellent news to share. I had a CT scan on Friday and learned yesterday from the oncologist that my tumours are all stable at the moment, except for one, which has completely disappeared. I had been filled with trepidation since I have had pain and discomfort recently and feared the worst. Now I am filled once more with hope as I look forward to happy times ahead.

My disease is certainly taking an unusual and unpredictable course and I am glad and thankful for that. Thank you for every kind thought, every warm wish and every generous act you have offered up on my behalf. It is making a difference. 

Greetings of the season to all!