Friday, 23 May 2014

Change is slow!

It has been a while since I posted. My travel plans imploded as I need to be around home to continue the campaign to get treatment with PD1. A new Canadian program just opened up last week but it is administered from Europe and communication is slow. I hope that I will be able to find a way to receive this treatment soon. My next PET scan is scheduled for June 11 in Vancouver. This will provide an update on my progress.

In the meantime I combine continuing advocacy for help with gardening, exercise and the pursuit of happiness! We have had some very beautiful early summer weather but rain has returned today. It seems like a beautiful blessing as  trees, shrubs and plants were all starting to notice how dry it was.

This is the start of my summer garden....   peace and love to all

Wednesday, 7 May 2014

Well, I have met with two surgeons and both of them say that they cannot help me. The surgery would be too extensive, the tumours are too deep, there are no clear margins, major blood vessels traverse that area, and a host of other reasons. They were both really fine people and clearly very dedicated professionals and I just have to accept that the surgery door is now closed.

In addition to this bad news, I have been through a few days of illness and that is always frightening. It is difficult to hold on to one's composure, believe that the pain will pass and life will go on.  At least I will have had lots of practice!  I am feeling very well and strong today again and have been out and about a lot. The weather cooperated, providing a bright and warm day. 

I spent four days last week in Palm Springs with a good friend and we played a lot of tennis. It is such a pretty resort and sunshine is guaranteed. The heat is on its way though and we watched the temperature go over 30 degrees at midday. Summertime there would be just too hot for me!

Here is a glimpse of the beauty...