Sunday, 24 January 2016


Tomorrow I leave Victoria early in the  morning, drive to Nanaimo and catch the mid-morning ferry to North Vancouver. At 1.30 pm, I receive my fist infusion of this third immunotherapy treatment. I know how lucky I am and thank my lucky stars. I believe I am the first ocular melanoma patient in Canada to receive a third line treatment. I know of one person in the States who has gone through it. Her cancer is now stable again. Fingers crossed. Thanks in advance for your kind thoughts and good wishes. I promise to keep you posted as we move along. Peace and love, Nigel

Saturday, 16 January 2016

A new beginning

No doesn't always mean just that! With the persuasive power of the incredible team at Lion's Gate Hospital, and Save Your Skin Foundation, whose founder has been a rock of support for me, and my absolute refusal to accept that this is the end, Bristol-Myers Squibb, makers of ipilimumab, have decided to provide another round of treatment for me. I got this stunning news yesterday. I hope to begin treatment as soon as possible, perhaps within two weeks. While the treatment is not easy, it may lead to some more beautiful times on this planet. I will keep you posted.

While I undergo this 12 week course of treatment, I must also get ready for the Two Oceans Ultramarathon on March 26 in Cape Town. It's good to be busy and focussed! 

Peace and love, Nigel

Friday, 1 January 2016

Happy New Year!

Here we are launching into another year, full of possibilities and promises. Our human weakness often unnecessarily prevents us from aspiring to be better, stronger or happier people. The reality is that we can be as strong as our courage and as happy as our capacity to feel it.

I start the year on a precipice. My cancer, ever a threat, reactivated in the fall of 2015. It seems to want to progress rapidly. The BC Cancer Agency, which has helped me enormously in the past, has suddenly cut off my access to therapy. I accept that my care has been expensive and I suppose we have a ledger somewhere.

I will find a way to get to a better place. I remind myself that I registered for hospice 3 years ago this month. I did not give up hope then. In June of that year I ran 87 kilometres while climbing 6000 feet up into the hills of KwaZulu Natal in the Comrades Ultramarathon. And so it will be in 2016. 

I wish all of my family and friends a very happy 2016 and I hope to connect in person or online with each of you.

Wishing you peace, joy and love, Nigel
From our beautiful paradise on the west coast: