Saturday, 5 October 2013


I love Thanksgiving.  I arrived in Canada on Thanksgiving Day 1975. On my first day here, I delighted in turkey dinner with all the trimmings and of course, pumpkin pie, for the first time. This memory, along with so many beautiful family celebrations over the years, reminds me to be very thankful for all of Canada's generosity to me. It was a very lucky day for me when I landed on these verdant shores.

Also, on Thanksgiving weekend in 2003, I ran a marathon for the first time.  I recall all of the preparation over months, the excitement of racing, the excellent company of friends and the sweet taste of success.  Ten years later, to the day, I will go out on that same course again and attempt to run the distance one more time.  My life is very different now.  I am assailed by illness. As recently as last week I was in hospital again with pain I could not handle.  I had radiation during this week to slow a tumour interfering with my spine.  Perhaps my body will not be able to complete the feat. Perhaps I can do it. 

A large group of friends is coming over to Vancouver Island, just like ten years ago, and we will celebrate our passion for running together. Some friends will run with me, and another group will run with my son who is running his first half marathon.  This will be a very special day!

Along the route, we will pass this statue of a Canadian hero who died of cancer in 1981 at the age of 22.  Every September, people in Canada and throughout the world do the Terrry Fox Run and contribute to cancer research to honour his memory.  His story has inspired our nation and over
$500 000 000 has been raised for cancer research.  If you are in a giving mood at this time of giving thanks, please donate to his foundation (Terry Fox Foundation) or to the BC Cancer Foundation.

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