Yesterday I received infusion 3 of 4. The final infusion will wait until I return from Africa. So, provided I get a good call from my oncologist about my CT scan last Friday, the coast is clear! I can set out on a huge adventure next Tuesday! Two Oceans, here I come! My son will run with me. My New Zealand sister will cheer me along! Two very good friends will also run with me. I am busy making lots of new friends too!
I am so grateful to the Lion's Gate Clinic for treating me when the BC Cancer Agency could not. At the clinic, I am always impressed by the compassion and care that patients enjoy. This is indeed a place of healing. To celebrate my good luck in being able to attempt an ultramarathon while in the midst of treatment, and to reward this outstanding clinic for their culture of solace and mercy, I am inviting my friends to make a donation to the Lion's Gate Foundation to be used by the oncology section to improve care of patients. You will all know friends or family who have been affected by a cancer diagnosis. It changes everything. Things are never the same. Lion's Gate is dedicated to making it better. Give if you can and want to. Just click below. As always, I have no expectations. Peace and love, Nigel projects/nigel-deacons-two- oceans-gratitude-support- oncology-at-lgh/
The team just heading out in darkness for the 35 mile run on the weekend!

I am so grateful to the Lion's Gate Clinic for treating me when the BC Cancer Agency could not. At the clinic, I am always impressed by the compassion and care that patients enjoy. This is indeed a place of healing. To celebrate my good luck in being able to attempt an ultramarathon while in the midst of treatment, and to reward this outstanding clinic for their culture of solace and mercy, I am inviting my friends to make a donation to the Lion's Gate Foundation to be used by the oncology section to improve care of patients. You will all know friends or family who have been affected by a cancer diagnosis. It changes everything. Things are never the same. Lion's Gate is dedicated to making it better. Give if you can and want to. Just click below. As always, I have no expectations. Peace and love, Nigel
The team just heading out in darkness for the 35 mile run on the weekend!
Go, Nigel! Here's hoping for (expecting) a good scan result so you can jet off to another adventure. :-)